有冇人知 ”冇情趣” 英文點講~?

2008-08-20 4:57 pm
有冇人知 "冇情趣" 英文點講~?

我男朋友係外國人,佢好少向我講d sweet words~
但係又唔知英文點講, 念左我好耐。


回答 (5)

2008-08-20 7:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
在美國形容這類性格的朋友為: Square & dull.
例: Tommy says nothing after I said I love him, he's da-mn square & dull.
參考: self
2008-08-29 5:05 pm
"冇情趣" -- boring
"一個冇情趣既人" -- a boring person
你可以話佢 "You are a boring person."或者 "Don't be so boring. I like to listen to sweet words."
2008-08-21 10:37 am
hi... u can say ...
you are not sweet.
you are not romantic.
參考: Living in US
2008-08-20 7:20 pm
冇情趣英文::no appeal
參考: me @@@
2008-08-20 5:56 pm
你可以話佢no sense of humor或者not a romatic man

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