which sentence is better?

2008-08-20 1:36 pm
An international airport which was forced to close when a warplane overshot the runway has reopened to flights.

An international airport, which was forced to close when a warplane overshot the runway, has reopened to flights.

the first sentence is proved to be right, but "MS word " tell to improve the first sentence by adding 2 comma ....

I guess 2 sentences have the samen meaning as well

回答 (3)

2008-08-29 4:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
An international airport, which was forced to close when a warplane overshot the runway, has reopened to flights. - This is better and should be used. With the two commas added, the meaning of the long sentence is clearer.
2008-08-20 8:02 pm
Both are understandable, but the first is better. However, I suggest to put one comma & add one pronoun is even better:
An international airport which was forced to close when a warplane overshot the runway, it has reopened to flights.

2008-08-20 12:04:02 補充:
Self - joking?
Sorry it's a misprinted, I am serious, not joking.
參考: Self - joking
2008-08-20 1:54 pm
The second one is better.
An internatioanl airport was forced to close when a warplane overshot the runway.
An international airport has reopened to flights.

but the first one does not sound right.

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