04 4 a.m數 (26分到)

2008-08-20 9:51 am

我想問人點做呢題,, guide 下我做

係msn 教 我
add 呢個, [email protected]

我會延長 發問時間, until 有人add了我之後講到我知就簡佢

回答 (2)

2008-08-20 6:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sorry, I do not do MSN, but I can provide you with the answer.

You only have to integrate a small element of size dxdy from x=0 to sqrt(R^2-y^2) and for y=0 to 2. R=3 for x^2+y^2=9 (a circle of radius 3)
The element will make a volume of 2pi x (dxdy) when revolved around the y-axis.
So the total volume is

integral(y=0 to 2 integral(x=0 to sqrt(R^2-y^2) (2 pi x dx dy) ) )
= integral(y=0 to 2 [2 pi x^2 / 2] x=0 to sqrt(R^2-y^2) )
= integral(y=0 to 2 (pi (R^2-y^2) )
=[pi( R^2y - y^3/3) ] y=0 to 2
=pi (2R^2 - 2^3/3)
=pi (2 3^2 - 2^3/3)
=pi (18 - 8/3)
2008-08-20 5:57 pm

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