
2008-08-20 4:52 am

回答 (1)

2008-08-20 8:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
3-2 Zone - 3 guys along 3pt line, 1 on top, 1 on left, 1 on right. 2 guys at the left and right of the key area protecting the rim. 3-2 zone is great at stop and pressuring the 3pt line area, but weak at mid-range area.

2-1-2 Zone - 2 guys at the left and right at the top of the key. 1 guys at the middle below the free throw line. 2 guys at the left and right side of the key area, a little more outside compare to 3-2 Zone. 2-1-2 zone is great at stopping dribble penetration, good defense for mid-range and close range, but weak at defensing the 3pt line, especially at both corners.

Picking which zone to use depends on who you are playing with, which area are they good at. And depends on what you team has. Defense rotation and getting rebound are the biggest factor for Zone Defense.
參考: myself

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