{急}communication skills...

2008-08-20 4:23 am
In daily conversation , we always have to check , correct or clarify information . Put the correct letters in the appropriate columns .

A)Excuse me./Sorry , I didn`t hear that .
B)Let me (just) repeat that , .....
C)Do you mean.....?
D)That`s not right . It`s......
E)Could you tell me exactly what.....?
F)Could you repeat that more slowly , please?
G)Did you say ?
H)No , not Friday . Saturday .
I)Excuse me ./Sorry , I didn`t catch (your name /your class , etc .)
J)......Is that right ?

1.Correcting 2.Confirming 3.Checking and Clarifying

4.Asking for Repetition

回答 (1)

2008-08-20 4:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
In daily conversation , we always have to check , correct or clarify information . Put the correct letters in the appropriate columns .

A)Asking for Repetition
C)Checking and Clarifying
E)Checking and Clarifying
F)Asking for Repetition
G)Checking and Clarifying
I)Asking for Repetition
J)Checking and Clarifying

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