1a. 41, 45, 48, 53, 57, 61
1b. 67, 72, 73, 89, 92, 95
2a. 36, 45, 54, 64, 72, 81
2b. 94, 100, 117, 121, 130, 144
3.把下列各循環小數化為分數 3a. 0.6=_________________________ 3b. 0.74=________________________ 3c. 0.45=_______________________ 3d. 0.94=_________________________ 3e. 0.148=___________________________ 3f. 0.5678=______________________________
4.九廣鐵路由紅磡站至羅湖站車程需要44分鐘,全程長約35公里,平均時速是多少 公里/小時? (答案取至小數點後三位.) 5.一架飛機以900公里/小時的平均速率飛行,它在08:59起飛,前往2475公里外的地方, 它在甚麼時間到達目的地?
6. If a lorry goes with a speed 70 km/h on a highway, it takes 18 minutes to travel from one end of the highway to the other. How long is the highway?(你可以用中文解答)
7. City A and City B are 120 km apart. A man drives from City A to City B at 40 km/h and returns at 60 km/h. 7a. How long do the two journeys together take?(你可以用中文解答) 7b. What is the average speed for the whole journey?(你可以用中文解答)
8.What percentage of 20 is 9? 9.What percentage of 27m is 15m? 10.Edward weighs 36 kg which is 60% of his father's. What is the weight of his father? (你可以用中文解答)
11.The population of a city was 4550000 in 1993. In 2003 it became 5232500. Find the percentage in crease in population.(你可以用中文解答) 12.The price of a walkman decreases from $1250 to $1062.5. What is the percentage decrease in price?
方程式 13.The sum of three consecutive numbers is 48.Find the numbers.(你可以用中文解答)(列式) 14.The sum of two consecutie even number is 86.Find the numbers.(你可以用中文解答)(列式) 15.The length of a rectangle is 3 times its width, and its perimeter is 24cm.Find the area of the rectangle.(你可以用中文解答)(列式)
16.If a certain number is multiplied by 4 and is added to 10, the result is 34. Find the number.(你可以用中文解答)(列式) 17.If two-fifths of a certain number is decreased by 9, the result is 11.Find the number.(你可以用中文解答)(列式)
18.A piece of wire of length 36cm is bent into a rectangle with length 2cm longer than the width. 18a.Find the area of the rectangle.(你可以用中文解答)(列式)