✔ 最佳答案
We will try all efforts to avoid the problem of unbalanced positioning while under the printing process. It comes to our awareness that it is a technical problem which can't be absolutely avoided. Honestly speaking, the same problem was found in your sample. We hope that your company would be considerate enough to accept it.
2008-08-21 18:00:10 補充:
乜果件marisa_cskphc都識英文咩??? "希望 貴司能接受", 你估佢點譯? hoped that expensive Si Neng will accept. (希望 hoped that , 貴 expensive, 司 Si , 能 Neng , 接受 will accept) - 呢D就係用翻譯工具/yahoo聰明筆嘅效果囉! 喂! 唔好玩啦....