Aust working holiday 住宿問題

2008-08-19 11:00 pm
一個女仔,打算12月中去,想知多少少 (仲未apply visa,因為聽講2個星期就有了)


如果我一個女仔去,住YHA的hostel會唔會危險? (因為有朋友話聽過一個女仔自己去外國住hostel俾人搞... 同埋,會唔會好貴呢? 去過的人有咩提議?


另外,有無去過的人可以提供下路線之類呢? 想去多d 地方,但見到有d網話如果唔岩時間去會搵唔到工...


回答 (3)

2008-08-23 3:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am right now in Sydney (a gal,just bring $1000 au dollars) only

depends on what's ur lifestyle,
salary around $6~$20 per hour,if unluckily you a work in Chinese Restaurant,maybe u should work 6 days per week.
$6 * 8 hour * 6 days = $288 au dollars per week ,that means $1872 hk dollars per week.
so u can cover all the pay out
(if u cannot speak very well English, like me, then u can work in China Town first.But the salary always very low)

如果我一個女仔去,住YHA的hostel會唔會危險? (因為有朋友話聽過一個女仔自己去外國住hostel俾人搞... 同埋,會唔會好貴呢? 去過的人有咩提議?
not dangerous at all.But my suggesttion is you can book one day only.
I had book a week when I came,but the 2nd day I had already find a nice apartment and cheaper than hostel!
hostel cost $172 per week (10 people share a room ,mixed room)
shareroom cost $130 per week (3 gals share a master room, include gym,swimming pool,spa etc)
Dont worry about where u live,it's absolutely easy to find a good place to live in Sydney

Better book 1 day hostel (book it by
If u a brave enough,u can go to Central station, there a lots of hostel over there.
U can go to to find a job first, but its not so useful for me,bcos they always want some can speak English fluently.

另外,有無去過的人可以提供下路線之類呢? 想去多d 地方,但見到有d網話如果唔岩時間去會搵唔到工...
I can tell u there are lots of Chinese all over the street, dont worry a lot.Easy job la.
參考: I just arrive Sydney for 2 weeks only
2008-08-20 11:46 pm
YHA is safe, normally boys and girls have different floors.
HKD7000 depends on where you live. A room in Sydney (moderate area) costs about A$100 per week.
Better to book in a YHA for a week first before trying to find place to live.
2008-08-20 9:31 pm
i am applying that working holidays visa too , and i heard that it should be ok for us to learn $7000 a wk , no worry haha
YHA and hostel are ok la ! danger ?? no la , i was staying in YHA before , pretty good ar...... and you usually stay with girls ( 6 girls per room) , so it will be ok la ! haha safe......

but i think we can find a "share-house " which may be cheaper ! and at least you have our own room !!! do you know that it is also expensive to stay in a single room in YHA or Hostel ??

yes ar , you should book a hostel before you go!

搵工???? haha it is easy to find a job in australia , but haha not sure you like the job or not ! ! haha eg. working in chinese restaurants ....

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