■■■■■■■for 後面應該+ d咩=]■■■■■■■

2008-08-19 8:52 pm
for 後面應該+ d咩?=] (咩式)

e.g [[For help]] his brother, he did not care!

咁係米應該[[For helping]]?

定係[[For helped]]呢?=]

回答 (4)

2008-08-20 4:50 am
hi, it should be the (noun) after (for).
e.g. For the help of his brother, he did not care! (noun = the help of his brother)
e.g. For helping his brother, he did not care! (noun = helping)
there is no (for helped) in English.
參考: Living in US
2008-08-20 12:39 am
help and helping are ok

for 係 preposition


preposition 後面必須係名詞或動名詞

help 本身是名詞,也是動詞
2008-08-19 9:13 pm
The best answer: For helping his brother, he did not care!

for 後面應該 Noun(名詞) or Gerund( -ing form).

I could not speak for laughing.
This letter is for you.
參考: me
2008-08-19 9:12 pm
The best answer: For helping his brother, he did not care!

for 後面應該 Noun(名詞) or Gerund( -ing form).

I could not speak for laughing.
This letter is for you.
參考: dictionary

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