Excel 的問題

2008-08-19 6:29 pm
我想問一問, 如果我EXCEL入面有幾百格, 每一格都有數字, 我想要SET 5 以下 & 負數就會變紅色, 應該要點整???

回答 (2)

2008-08-19 6:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. select all the cells
2. under Format-->Conditional Formatting
3. under Condition 1, set ( Cell Value Is) ( less than or equal to ) ( 5 )
4. click the Format tab, click patterns, choose Red box, then press OK, OK.

2008-08-19 15:01:53 補充:
Very sorry, I use English version. I try to explain.

4. click 格式, click patterns(式樣, 模式, 圖案), 選紅色, then press 確定兩次.
2008-08-19 6:47 pm
1. Choose 格式

2. Choose 設定格式化條件

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