
2008-08-19 10:09 am
我9月倒會去seattle果邊讀cc ... 2yrs都唔會返hk
但係唔知道應該執d咩 -0-
同埋好多野都驚係果邊買會好貴 (eg 化妝品 護膚品etc)

我係hk用緊LG U830 ..去到美國仲用唔用倒?
洗唔洗轉過晒d叉電器果d??? 仲有其他電器= =

有d咩要特別注意架 -3-?!

回答 (2)

2008-08-28 12:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Bring warmer clothes for nightfalls, expect huge difference between daytime and nightime temperatures.

If you are used to Asian brand cosmetics, skin products, make sure you purchase them before you head over, you may not find a suitable replacement (for a budget price) before your "import" supplies runs out.

As long as your phone is GMS and SIM friendly, you can use your phone anywhere in the US. You may consider a "pay as you go" plan, although for long term stay with Long Distance calling in mind, go shop around for a fixed plan. You'll need an adapter for your HK electronics.

Home Stay:
1) bring your usual non-prescription (over the counter) HK medication, you might not adapt to US over the counter medication.
2) check if you're close to the Seattle Chinatown district, check
if you lucky and happens to be close to Chinatown, you won't have to bring a lot of things with ya, but if you live kinda far, bring things that you use in HK (all the time) and cannot be replaced in Seattle by a North American counterpart.
參考: Myself
2008-08-21 6:48 am
應該執$$$. 美國買唔會好貴 (去outlet買)

LG U830 => GSM 三頻 => 去到美國仲用倒.
(Buy SIM card costs a lot less than using HK roaming plan!)

No need 叉電器 if 電器 support universal voltage 110v - 240v.

Need to get adaptors for 電器.

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