✔ 最佳答案
情境1 - 學生要星期一至五返學, 而星期六日放假, 英文係 day off
情境2 - 打工仔一星期要返六日, 但有一日假期, 英文係 day off
情境3 - 學生可以係中秋節放假, 英文係 holiday
情境4 - 打工仔可以係中秋節放假, 英文係holiday
vacation is using for at least a week leaves (from the annual leaves, u can get a pay $$)
leave is using for a couple of days, e.g 1-2 days, some of them can be paid $$ (e.g. training leave, sick leave), but some do not have $$ (e.g. ppls do not have benefits for leaving)
holiday is using for the public holidays ONLY.
day-off is using for the regular [off day], e.g. ppls no need to work on Sunday, students no need to school on Sat. and Sun. too. hope it can help.