五個月松鼠 可否出街散步?

2008-08-19 5:01 am
我想佢見多d 野 無咁細膽...

回答 (4)

2008-08-19 7:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
請不要同狗仔出街住. 一來太細, 而且未打齊針, 三來現在天氣太熱, 狗仔頂不住, 有危險.

2008-08-18 23:52:02 補充:
就算同狗仔出街, 請等太陽落山後.這種天氣會熱死狗. 記得帶水給狗仔噴身和飲用.
2008-08-20 4:19 am
參考: 我
2008-08-19 8:04 am
參考: 我的參考
2008-08-19 5:29 am
No. Take my advice - Do it later.
1. Has it had all the injections?
2. The weather is too hot. Pom is too small and legs are too short. It is more easy to attack by the reflecting heat from the ground. Also, their nose is too short, the respiration system is weaker than other dogs. The ground heat is much serious than we think (even after sunset). My Pom suffered 'chung sue' (sickness caused by over heat) last Oct during a walk under trees. I sent him to the vet and it had been intensity cared for few hours. Three days ago he had a walk near our home , he can't take the heat and feel sick again though it is already 5:00pm and only 10 mins walk in the shade.
參考: my Pom's experience

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