
2008-08-19 1:35 am
請問可否帶金飾到美國?最多可帶多少?而現金又可take多少? 是否金飾加現金唔過1萬美元就不需報關, 定是過唔過1萬美元都要報, 先謝幫忙, 謝謝.

回答 (3)

2008-08-21 10:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Travelers leaving or entering the U.S. are required to report monetary instruments (i.e. currency or checks) valued at $10,000 or more on a "Report of International Transportation of Currency or Monetary Instruments" form FinCEN 105

.You can obtain the form in advance and download it from here FinCEN 105, or a CBP officer can give it to you upon your departure or return to the U.S.

Failure to declare currency in amounts of over $10,000 can result in its seizure.

Information on the FinCEN 105 is provided to the IRS, and they determine whether or not the importation of monies constitutes income subject to taxation.

The requirement to import currency on a FinCEN 105 does not apply to imports of gold bullion.

...that means 唔過1萬美元唔需要報﹐金飾唔計﹐但都唔好帶太多﹐因為要報關如你帶太多查到要打稅﹐填八百零蚊度啦.(金飾單據千其唔好跟身)
2008-08-19 4:58 am
好多謝你的回覆, 因為想帶龍鳳手鐲及頸飾到美國探親, 是否禮品超過us$400要打稅, 點計?可否當是自己財物?有沒有網址或詳細資料參考, 因為找不到, 萬三分感激!

2008-08-19 09:47:45 補充:
Thanks a lot!
2008-08-19 3:41 am
可以帶金飾到美國, 沒有規定數量,可能太多要報稅。
現金不超過10,000元的意思係過唔過1萬美元都要報, 過咗1萬美元就要查你啲錢點嚟同會用喺邊度。

2008-08-19 05:51:27 補充:
對唔住,我唔可以肯定答覆你要唔要打稅, 亦唔可以教你講大話。

現金就最好唔好帶太多, 因為毒販同不法分子都係用現金交易, 你都唔想有人將你歸埋嗰類人嚟查。

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