
2008-08-19 1:32 am

回答 (4)

2008-08-19 2:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
2008-08-19 5:51 am
1. The serious bad smell somethimes caused by dog food that contains too much protein. That is very common in young dog food because it provides more protein.
2. You can buy some baking soda and put it into a container in the toilet. It is a very good deordorizing material. After a period of time (say one month) the deordorizing effect is gone and it can be used for cleaning purpose. Dissolve some into water and use it to clean the toilet and the floor and then rinse with clear water. Since baking sode is edible (of course never eat too much) and it is quite safe to animals. For safety measures, you much rinse with clear water no matter what kind of cleanser you use. My personal preference is that avoid those too strong material - eg bleach except there is bacteria or germs.

My friend use it to drive the bad smell of cat's bowel and urine. She says it is very effective.
Buy baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) from traditional grocery is cheaper (HK$6.00 per catty). If you buy from supermarket (Arm Hammer) will be much more expensive.
參考: for your information
2008-08-19 3:12 am
2008-08-19 3:00 am
可以用專係比狗狗痾尿既尿布 狗狗大便都得架 可以減小好多臭味
尿布既size 有分既 我用緊既係40x60 大約兩個街磚咁上下大啦
正常夠用的了 唔夠既話可以放多張 一塊尿布痾左2至3次就要換了
仲有屋企可以盡量開窗啦 空氣流通d味就唔會焗住係度
可能我用尿布既關係 都係兩星期先洗一次廁所 但唔係因為有味
係因為馬桶污糟=.=用半蓋漂白水開一桶水 成個廁所洗哂了

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