
2008-08-19 1:06 am


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2008-08-19 6:46 am
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磁療- 以磁場作用於人體以治療疾病的方法。 早在2000餘年前的古代醫學文獻中已有用磁止痛、治療關節腫痛等疾病的記載。 1970年代以來磁性材料和磁療器械、磁療技術的研究和應用發展較快,在一些疾病的治療上取得一定的療效,磁療成為應用較普遍的物理療法之一。
磁療機理- 實驗證明,磁場能影響生物細胞內外離子的活動度、細胞膜的電位、某些酶的活性、細胞呼吸、某些物質的合成分解和化學反應過程、組織的新陳代謝以及組織器官的功能。 磁場還能影響某些生物體的生長發育和生命。不同強度,不同作用時間的磁場對組織細胞和生物體的影響不同。 磁場對人的神經、肌肉、心、肺、腦等組織的生物電流和生物磁場產生影響,干擾病理過程,調節生理平衡,促進正常功能的恢復。據研究,磁場可降低神經末梢對外界刺激的感應性,使痛閾升高,故能鎮痛。磁場可使組織內血管擴張,血流加速,血液循環改善,滲出過程受阻,水腫消散吸收,與此同時,代謝產物和炎症產物的吸收加速,吞筮活動和免疫過程增強,故有較好的消炎作用。 水腫的消散和致痛物質的吸收也加強了鎮痛作用。 磁場還有鎮靜、改善睡眠、緩解肌肉痙攣和降低血壓的作用。 曾有報導強磁場有抑制癌瘤生長轉移的作用。
磁療方法磁療常用的方法有下列幾種;①靜磁療法。將一片或多片永磁體置於病患部位或穴位,以恆定的靜磁場進行治療。 需用的永磁材料為鍶鐵氧體或鈰鈷合金,磁感應強度一般為0.02~0.3T(特斯拉)。 治療時磁片直接貼敷在皮膚上,又可根據需要將磁片縫入腰帶、背心、護膝、鞋、帽內,或安裝在手鐲等生活用品上,使磁片間接貼敷在皮膚上。 可連續貼敷2~3個月或每日間斷貼敷。 ②旋磁療法。 旋磁機的機頭內有2~4片釤鈷合金永磁體,由小型電動機帶動,以每分鐘1500~4000轉的速度旋轉,以動磁場作用於人體,各磁片的同名極處於同一方向時產生脈動磁場,異名極處於同一方向時產生交變磁場。磁片旋轉,外加保護罩時磁感應強度明顯下降,可由0.2~0.3T下降至0.1T左右。 治療時將機頭置於病患部位或穴位上,每次15~30分鐘,每日一次。 本法具有較好的鎮痛效果。

臨床應用磁療的適應症較廣泛,對以下疾病有較好的療效。 ①外科疾病,如扭挫傷、血腫、關節炎、肋軟骨炎、網球肘、頸椎病、肩周炎、肌纖維織炎、乳腺小葉增生、前列腺炎、尿路結石。 ②內科疾病,如高血壓病、胃炎、腸炎、胃腸功能紊亂、支氣管炎、支氣管哮喘。 ③兒科疾病,如單純性消化不良、遺尿症。 ④婦科疾病,如痛經、功能性子宮出血。 ⑤神經科疾病,如神經性頭痛、神經衰弱、坐骨神經痛、面肌痙攣。 ⑥皮膚科疾病,如帶狀皰疹,表淺血管瘤。 ⑦五官科疾病,如耳廓漿液性軟骨膜炎、神經性耳鳴、過敏性鼻炎、近視、中心性視網膜脈絡膜炎、顳頜關節功能紊亂、拔牙麻醉。
磁療的副作用不多,少數年老體弱者磁療後出現心慌、氣短、頭暈、頭痛、噁心、嗜睡、血壓波動等反應,降低劑量或停止磁療後即可消失。 個別患者貼敷磁片部位的皮膚出現過敏反應,應立即停止貼敷。

2008-08-18 22:47:15 補充:
參考: 《理療學》,人民衛生出版社,北京,1984
2008-08-20 7:09 pm
2008-08-20 4:24 am
Magnetic fileds produced by permanent magnets are [static magnetic fields], as contrast to time varying electromagnetic fields.

There are lots of ions inside the human bodies, especially in blood vessles and and in the heart. When human body is in a strong magnetic field, the ions carried by the flow of blood in the body are subjected to a magnetic force which causes an unwanted current to be establised. The motion of the body as a whole in a strong magnetic field would also have such an effect. This unwabted current would affect the beating of the heart and other body organs, such as the organ for balancing in the middle ear.

The observable health effect would be vertigo(天旋地轉), nausea(暈眩) and perception of light flashes(目睹閃光).

There would not be any ill effect when human is under stromg magnetic field for a short period of time. For example, patients undergoing MRI examinations (核磁共振做影檢查) are subject to a static magnetic field of 0.5~2 Telsa (which is a unit for magnetic flux density). Modern MRI apparatus could have magnetic field up to 5 Tesla.

It is believed that human body can withstand magnetic filed up to about 8 T for short period of time without any serious injuries.

Inernation organization, such as the Internatinal Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection (國際輻射防諼委員會), has set a standard that exposure to static magnetic field by members of the public in daily life should not exceed 40 mT (milli-Tesla, 1 mT = 1/1000 T).
2008-08-20 1:59 am





1. ^ 參考Griffiths電磁學,範例10.4
2. ^ Magnetic Field Strength is also sometimes called Magnetic Field Intensity. For more information reference the sources Durney and Johnson, and also Rao.
3. ^ The standard graduate textbook by Jackson follows this usage. Edward Purcell, in Electricity and Magnetism, McGraw-Hill, 1963, writes, Even some modern writers who treat B as the primary field feel obliged to call it the magnetic induction because the name magnetic field was historically preempted by H. This seems clumsy and pedantic. If you go into the laboratory and ask a physicist what causes the pion trajectories in his bubble chamber to curve, he'll probably answer "magnetic field," not "magnetic induction." You will seldom hear a geophysicist refer to the earth's magnetic induction, or an astrophysicist talk about the magnetic induction of the galaxy. We propose to keep on calling B the magnetic field. As for H, although other names have been invented for it, we shall call it "the field H" or even "the magnetic field H".

2008-08-19 18:03:02 補充:

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