psp sd gundam gg

2008-08-19 12:27 am
請問psp sd 高達gg 特種命運 第4集 蒼天之劍點打?

回答 (2)

2008-08-19 5:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
版圖以天空及大海為主, 所以要選擇懂飛行的機體出擊, 不然就買一些飛行器(很貴但實用性高其後實用價值也高), 特別是MASTER UNIT(必買)
由於女神號裡的阿雷及路娜瑪莉亞駕駛的兩部渣古並不適合用於水中戰鬥, 因此給IMPLUSE, 老虎, SAVER來保護女神號
女神號移動力低下的關係 加上當奧布軍戰艦HP被降到一半或將奧布軍主力戰艦HP減少1/3時, 版圖右邊會出現地球連合軍, 上方會有自由高達與大天使號組成的黃色軍團, 故此為了女神號的安全建議在女神號移動時集中向版圖下方移動, 以免被夾擊, 更可免給奧布後方5部幹有M1的戰艦向女神號攻擊
另外, 在天空版圖上所岸現的村雨, 可 用MASTER UNIT將其全破(不然他們會降到大海攻擊女神號)
參考: 討論區
2008-08-19 3:31 am
When I fight, because I already got i-j and s-f(>20lv) and lots of other which
is >30lv,so I do not need to worry about the plan.
I thought you can first don't put out any of the MS.
turn all your fore to the lowest area cause freedom is going to come
out on the top after a few turn.
the freedom sure will attack you.
so you just go down and concentrate your force to
I think you better have more powerful MS(with lots of EN)
which has flying machine
you better clear one of the sides first then the other.
The force of freedom will leave very soon because the M1
of them will be defeat soon so you don't have to fight them la.
careful of the map of freedom if you're up.
there are no movie in this chapter
hope can help you
參考: me

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