a question about -The Dark Knight

2008-08-18 11:40 pm
i Wanna know how joker got those scars on his face, himself or his father?
see below-
The Joker: Come here. Hey! Look at me. So I had a wife, beautiful, like you, who tells me I worry too much. Who tells me I ought to smile more. Who gambles and gets in deep with the sharks... look at me! One day, they carve her face. And we have no money for surgeries. She can't take it. I just want to see her smile again, hmm? I just want her to know that I don't care about the scars. So... I stick a razor in my mouth and do this...
& also.
The Joker: Wanna know how I got these scars? My father was....a drinker. And a fiend. And one night he goes off crazier than usual. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. He doesn't like that. Not. One. Bit. So, me watching, he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it. Turns to me and he says "Why so serious?" Comes at me with the knife,"Why so serious?" He sticks the blade in my mouth. "Let’s put a smile on that face!" And..... Why so serious?

回答 (1)

✔ 最佳答案
有d人都討論過呢個問題, 有2種講法:::
- 係呢2個來源之中既其中1個係真 (但有人話joker入去個餐廳問d人知唔知harvey dent響邊, 佢同果度其中1個賓客講野果時又提到佢爸爸, "you know, you remind me about my father. I HATE my father" 所以關於係佢爸爸整到佢咁果個來源大機會d係真果個)
- 呢2個來源都未必係真, 其實joker可能瘋癲到根本唔記得左d疤係點黎, 於是作d假既來源黎彌補心理創傷/自我憐憫
參考: 自己

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