Too good to be true

2008-08-18 7:30 pm
What is the meaning "too good to be true" ??
and "Contingency cancel" ???

回答 (3)

2008-08-19 2:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
"too good to be true" = 如果是真的便太好了.
例: Are you sure? it's too good to be true!
"Contingency cancel" - 應該是 Contingency cancellation (noun) = 緊急取消. (To cancel a job or something urgently or surprisingly)
參考: Own
2008-08-18 11:34 pm
too good to be true
太好或太完美, 根本是空想, 難以成事, 難以成真

Contingency cancel

2008-08-18 15:36:49 補充:
跟 " 好到唔相信係真 " 有分別, 提問者可思考一下
2008-08-18 10:22 pm

緊急/危急 取消
參考: 我

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