(胡佳; 1998 年三個中國民主黨創黨人被判顛覆國家罪入獄; 1998 年 山西省趙表青競選人大代表被判入獄; 2001 年湖南民運人士李旺陽, 旺玲兩兄妹被判顛覆國家罪入獄................... 這些不都是最好的例證嗎?)
民族: 就拿胡佳來說吧, 他有在「造謠生事、興風作浪, 唯恐天下不亂..........打砸搶燒」嗎?
saint02005: 難道你認為因為「美國警察將個手無寸鐵嘅黑人準新郎亂鎗射殺」所以中國的人權便沒有問題嗎?
「公義本身無定義而係由當地大多數人所定標準而言...」 I disagree. I will leave you with a quote from Thoreau, ".... any man more right than his neighbours constitutes a majority of one." For example, segregation was once accepted by the majority, does that mean it is right?
Also if you are really such a big fan of the Communist Party, I would thoroughly recommend you to re- study what 江主席 said. It is "too simple, sometimes naive."
民族: A government that can charge and imprison a citizen of libel....... is that really freedom of speech?
民族: 中國的人權一定比美國好 What lead u to such conclusion?
tsui3_e : I agree. But dont you think the other countries enjoy more liberties than we do?
tsui3_e : 不是誹謗他人, 而是政府不應控告任何人誹謗 這不是荒謬, 而是常理
Due to a precednt set by the House of Lords in 1993, Derbyshire County Council vs Times Newspapers Ltd, governments cannot bring an action for libel against anyone. Since HK is a common law jurisdiction, although not binding, that precedent is a very strong one for HK.
tsui3_e : Have you ever seen the figures for China???? I recommend the Freedom House index and the Amnesty International website for that purpose.
And how can anyone claim that the Chinese enjoy more liberty than the US when even the internet is censored (Wikipedia, Amnesty International) in mainland China????
When I wrote tsui3_e, I was actually refering to the opinions of 民族.......
This one is really for tsui3_e: When do you think China should take the first step towards democratisation then?
tsui3_e: I live in HK and thats part of China isnt it?