Help recovering .chk files?

2008-08-17 3:40 pm
I have about 1.5GB of .chk files on my ipod, i want to recover them to but the folder they are in is hidden and i can't unhide it. Does anyone know a way to unhide it and a good prog to recover them, or a prog that can check hidden folders?

回答 (2)

2008-08-17 5:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Find out what type of file they are, and what program uses them, first!!!

On Windows, they are junk files and should be deleted.

So, you need to go to Apple's Forums (see below:) for more info on your specific problem. I haven't seen anything like what you are describing.
2016-10-13 12:07 pm
Step a million; google 'CCCP Codec %.' Step 2: installation stated %. Step 3: watch your video. EDIT: matey's advice without postpone above (bearing directly to the KLite %.) will artwork, too. forget approximately approximately the people - they are incorrect.

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