
2008-08-18 7:35 am

生產需求. 我司會極力改善此問題.

附檔是我司工廠之紀錄表. 清楚列明我廠之基

有關貴司提到會客排客人來驗廠. 請告知實

回答 (4)

2008-08-18 5:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Thank you for your precious time to visit our factory on that day. We valued your suggestion of increasing the number of workers in our factory to meet the increasing production orders. Please rest assured we will consider your comment and to make improvement on it.
Enclosed please find our factory records showing the basic factory installation and its operating environment.
Regarding your comment to arrange your customers to take a visit to our factory, please let us know the exact time. We will make an arrangement for providing factory information and its installation for their reference.
2008-08-18 11:01 pm
Dear Terry,

We would like to thank you very much for your precious time to visit our factory. Per discuss, we will try our best to manage the manpower resources in order to meet the production requirements.

Please find enclosed the records which listed out the foundational facilities and the environment of our factory.

Further, please kindly advise the customer site visit schedule once it is confirmed.

2008-08-18 15:06:34 補充:
I would like to highlight that simple and precise is the key in business writing.
2008-08-18 11:18 am
kwyky1's translation is pretty crap.... im sure s/he used the translation software, since many sentences dont make any sense, they were translated words by words.... really BAD english!

I think if u r really willing to help others, u should be more serious about that.

2008-08-18 03:18:08 補充:

Thank you so much for spending your precious time to inspect our factory. Regarding your advice on increasing the quantity of workers to handle the high production demand, we will try our very best to sort that out as soon as possible.

Attached please find our factory's record, which clearly lists out the fundamental setting and environment of it.

Regarding you mentioned that our client will come to have an inspection of out factory, we would like to have the documents and fundamental settings ready for the client's inspection, so could you please inform us once the date and time is confirmed?

2008-08-18 03:19:25 補充:
i know mine isnt perfect, but im just trying my best to help... there might be some technical terms that i didnt use, so i suppose mine should do
參考: myself
2008-08-18 8:11 am
The many thanks expensive department can in spite of being very busy
pull out day time to take charge of the factory to me to patrol The
related expensive department in my factory mentioned needs to improve
quantity of the worker to deal with the production demand I take
charge of can improve this question vigorouslyAttaches the files is I takes charge of the factory record Clearly
lists my factory the fundamental set and the environment

The related expensive department mentioned receives callers a row of
visitor to examine the factory Please inform the actual hour in order
to I take charge of reorganize the good document and the fundamental

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