
2008-08-18 1:55 am
Eric: Hello,Victor.
Victor:Eric! It's been a while since I last heard from you.
Eric:Yes. Do you know why I am calling? I suddenly 1.(remembered) what a crazy football fan you are. I managed to get two complimentary tickets for the Asian Cup Final this Friday. Would you like to come?
Victor:What a coincidence! I too suddenly thought of you. I wanted to surprise you . I was going to buy us two tickets.
Eric:Well, I beat you to it. I'm glad you 2.(are coming) but promise to behave! I can't forget the last football match we watched together. You were shouting terrible things at the referee while he was handing our striker a yellow card.
Victor:and you were trying to cover my mouth. I always laugh when I think of that incident.
Eric:You are good now, I hope.
Victor:You'll see...................
另外...第2條點解用are coming 唔用come既???

回答 (2)

2008-08-18 3:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
第一條佢講緊點解Victor 會打畀Eric, 而呢d原因已經發生左先打電話畀victor, 所以用past tense
而且同段既下文都用左 past tense, 可以作為一個提示

第二條Eric 去睇足球係一個將來既事, 而Eric 有計劃打算去(而且成數好大 - 佢promise 左), 所以用 present continuous tense.

Present continuous tense:
a.) 某人做緊一d野
E.G. I am typing the answer for Yahoo! Knowledge+(R).
b.) 相等等入面既人物做緊乜野
E.G. In the photo, John is playing football in the field. How funny!
c.) 某人計劃做乜野, 而做得成既成數好大
E.G. Mary is going to Japan next month.
2008-08-18 10:34 pm
1. 佢買飛之前記起佢係 football fan, 所以past tense (你見佢買飛都用"managed to get" 係past tense

2. 應該講緊將既事情("我好開心你會來"), 可以用"will come"; 但係用present continuous tense 變得口語一d, 同埋肯定 "come" 唔o岩

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