
2008-08-17 7:43 pm
例如我係3 樓楂住個西瓜同埋個橙,係窗邊同一時間放手,西瓜同橙係咪會同事著地呢?我個 fd 係咁講 ~ 但係我都唔知岩唔岩,定係如果有特定條件下,就可以呢?

回答 (2)

2008-08-18 1:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
岩, 所有既物件既free fall motion既速度都係一樣, 全部都係10ms^-1. 但係你當意一樣野, 就係air resistance(風阻). 個風阻係會影響大家既掉落時間。有個人做過一個實驗,就係將一個木同鐵波一起由比(殺)塔度掉落去, 但係點解個鐵波會先過個木波到地? 就係因為風阻。佢地既體積唔同, 風阻既影響就會唔同。
但係如果你係中學既話, 通常問題都會叫你(ignore air resistance), 姐係唔好理個風阻問題, 咁你就當所有野就算係乳毛掉落時間, 都係10ms^-1
2008-08-17 11:54 pm
When air resistance is taken into account, the time of fall to reach the ground is NOT the same.

Given the larger size of the water melon, air resistance to its motion is larger than that to an orange. The water melon therefore accelerates less and acquires a lower speed than the orange.

Having said that, the time difference between the two when dropped from three-storey height is small and sometimes unobservable just by human sensation.

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