2008-08-17 12:32 am

i typed in caps because i wanted it to be seen lol i think the people that mix breed are very bad breeders and shouldnt be allowed to own and breed dogs


i dont mix breed my dogs at all and never would do i read apost in here about some1 mixing a bichon with a cavalier and i just made a point that i think it is WRONG


danomete IM NOT A SH*T HEAD ok so less of the abuse ok


and my dogs do not have any genetic problems and are well looked after and not breeding dogs


Jasmine the trouble with some people in here they DONT read the post propper and just asume they are just ignorant


ANIMILLO read the post again slowly and carefully IM NOT MIX BREEEDING




like i said both my dogs are of the same breed and i do not BREED them they are pets


i have seen a lot of these so called designer dogs for sale on pets4homes and the breeder puts allsorts of crap in the advert i was just saying i dnt think it should be allowed

回答 (31)

2008-08-17 1:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
No, I have to agree with you, I am not in favor of mixing breeds or indiscriminate breeding.
2008-08-17 12:36 am
I think its wrong to create mixes because of the fact that our shelters are already overflowing with mixed breed dogs.

We euthanize thousands of dogs on a daily basis.. at least 75-85% of them are mixed breed dogs. There is NO reason to create more mixes!

Breeding should be done to improove or preserve the breed. You're not improoving on anything with a mix. You will get a dog that is unknown what traits or qualities it will show until its grown. You have no record of the genetic history, etc. Even 90-99% of purebreds are not breeding quality, as many have faults, or gentic health problems.
2008-08-17 12:35 am
No, there is no reason to intentionally produce mixed breed
2008-08-17 12:35 am
I think it's wrong to breed, period.

there are so many dogs and puppies that end up on the streets and in labratories.

: /
2008-08-17 12:35 am
no there are enough mixed breeds in this world...adopt, save lives
2008-08-17 12:38 am
no, i think it's very wrong!
2008-08-17 12:36 am
I agree with you.
2008-08-17 12:35 am
There are far too many unwanted puppies already. Have your pet spayed or neutered.
2008-08-17 12:48 am
There will always be mixed breeds, dogs being determined and stubborn about mating but i don't see the point in deliberately mixing any breed. People will have accidental breedings and then try to give them cute names and charge ridiculous prices for mixed puppies, i like mixed dogs. i also like purebreds but i agree with most everyone here, don't breed.
2008-08-17 12:39 am
there is nothing wrong with mix breed animals,they are loved as much as a prue breed.heck if people kept thinking that way no animals would be taken..they even come up with new names for all of them so they say their a new breed's not mutt.
參考: boy i am sure glad i am human! we all are mixed with something,so if all humans thought like this about another they sure would get the world to really hate everything they come to see in the new world.
2008-08-17 12:57 am
I think it's wrong.

You get the arguement all the time that "all breeds started out as mutts". Fine, fine. But the fact of the matter is, it wouldnt be so bad if it was one, maybe two breeds being developed. If the people developing these "breeds" stuck beside them, and if these "breeds" had a purpose.

The sad truth is that there are a lot of mixes being created, because people think they can slap two dogs together. They aren't sticking beside what they are creating--they are doing it because they have a girl and they have a guy, and they want to make some money off of it. And their breeds HAVE no purpose--they make up lies like "hypoallergenic" or "great lap dog" just to make them sell. The only things these new "breeds" are good for are suckering people into buying them and making BYBs and puppy mills a quick buck.
2008-08-17 12:42 am
i think its fine
my dog is mixed and she is sooooooo cute
2008-08-17 12:35 am
Whats the point you dont know how the will turn out, if they dont look that nice as pups and people dont want them will you want to keep them?
2008-08-17 12:43 am
I think it is fine to mix breed dogs. You should use reason and thought in the planning process. Free roaming dogs do it all the time with some exceptional results.
all breeds of dogs developed from mixed breeding and selection for specific traits.
2008-08-17 12:40 am
Most so called "breeds" of dogs are excessively interbred with many medical problems, a far cry from the wolf they once were. Arthritis in German Shepards, The need for casearian birth in British Bulldogs due to head size and subsequent respiratary problems, Yorkies and excessive hair growth without intervention. I could go on its excessive cruelty in many cases to satisfy human whims. A mongrel is far more likely to be healthy than a pedigree. Who give a **** about the Kennel club what is the benefit to the dog of KC registration apart from being able to sell it (the owner's benefit). There are lots of unwanted dogs because some people do not understand the repsponsibility and buy a dog because they think its cool or fun not realizing threy have to care for it. The only reason ,more mutts end this way because of the social demographics among owners (interbreds are cheaper) and its easier to gain material value from an unwanted pedigree.
PS my Labrador-Rhodesian Ridgeback cross is wonderful looking.
2008-08-17 12:37 am
Depends if you want a pet or a show dog. Dogs will be dogs. They are not worried about breeds or KC registration
2008-08-17 12:37 am
yes, it is perfectlly fine to mix breeds.
2008-08-17 12:58 am
IMO, people intentionally mix breeding aren't doing anyone any favours. If people want to buy a mix breed dog, they should get one from a rescue. If they want a pure breed, they should buy one from a Kennel Club recognised, responsible breeder.

I did read your question, and good on you. You aren't one of the people who comes on here and says "I have this breed of dog, should I breed?" or "What breed would I "make" if I crossed my dog with another one?". These people are ignorant and annoying.

Mix breed dogs being bred intentionally to become "designer" breeds is getting very frustrating. Dogs should either be rescued from a shelter or bought from a good breeder.
2008-08-17 12:48 am
The best dog I ever had was a mutt. She was also the best dog that I've ever KNOWN!
Although there are some breeds that shouldn't be mixed together, because of certain problems that might be had, for the most part, I don't condone it, any more than I do with people.
I mean, seriously, the most beautiful people in the world are mixed.
And considering the fact that most breeds actually came from mixing, I'd say it's okay.
2008-08-17 12:42 am
yeah i agree sometimes ''cute'' breeds such as poodles, beagles chihuahuas king charles etc are bred to create a ''designer'' breed that cant be registered, possible health and temperment problems and bred by ireesponsible people who are just trying to make a quick buck by copying wat they think is cool cos all the celebs are doing it *rolls eyes* its very stupid and damages dogs and unsuspecting ignorant owners everywhere!
same with tea-cup chihuahuas, just a marketing scam that produces very unhealthy puppies to people who think they are fashionable.
2008-08-17 12:43 am
DON'T MIX BREED!!! there are enough mix breed dogs that DON'T have homes.

i would get your dog fixed so she wouldn't have any puppies
2008-08-17 1:23 am
I couldn't care less about what they look like.
I mean some mutts look cuter then pure breds.
But, that doesn't make breeding mutts right.
Its irresponsible breeding.
Its not just that they can't be registered with a Kennel Club.
Its that you would be messing with the breed standard. And in the end, creating unhealthy mutt pups.
I dont support any mix breeding.
IMO anyone who is tryin to breed mutts is very irresponsible.
The only exuse I can think of for mix breeding dogs is for working purposes.
Such as a Border Collie and an Australian Shepherd. Which can make very good herding dogs.
Or a Malamute with a Sibe making very good Sled Dogs.
But, breeding for "designer dogs" Is just plain old sick and wrong.
It would take up too much time to explain exactly to you why breeding mutts is wrong.
Only BYB will breed mutts.
And BYB do not do the proper health testing which can lead to big time genetic health problems in the pups.
BYB dont do OFA testing and all that jazz.
And when mixing two breeds more then likely you end up with double the health issues seeing as you have the chance of getting bolth the health issues from the Dam and the Sire.

2008-08-17 12:40 am
I think it is wrong too and anyone else who answers who are being rude to you should learn to read.

ADD: lol
參考: American Staffordshire Terrier Owner
2008-08-17 12:45 am
Of course it is. As long as the two breeds are great and the mix will be a healthy one, it's a-ok!! :)
2008-08-17 12:36 am
it's up to you..
參考: breeds
2008-08-17 12:35 am
Um, dogs mix breeds all the time on their own. Who are you to say who your pup can bang?
2016-10-13 9:52 am
properly, different breeders at the instant are breeding " Poos " or in different observe Poodle mixes. regarded as stated hypoallergenic. the guy that " got here across " those mutts replace into assume to apply those mutts ( exceptionally Goldendoodles or Labradoodles... ) as seeing eye dogs for the blinds with allergic reactions or wheelchair helpers, as quickly as lower back, for persons with allergic reactions. even nonetheless it had replace into this type of customary fashion designer breed that every physique is quickly wanting a " doodle, schnoodle, or poo " . Alaskan Husky sounds interesting, however the challenge is, as quickly because it is bred, people will prefer a type of. This upsets me lots because of the fact all of those poos and such are ending up interior the preserve. there are maximum of on a daily basis, yet every physique remains breeding!!! I overheard some guy talking approximately breeding his chinese language Creasted to a super Dane!!!!!!!!! Insane eh? Oh, what people will do for money... and that i nonetheless keep in mind the words " i will call them super chinese language Creasted Danes" Ugh. This merely communicate me. anyhow, i desire I helped! :) definite, it did began in Austrailia, yet I alaso be conscious of that earlier that the call for Goldendoodles or Goldiepoos have been " Groodles " no person particularly enjoyed them until they have been Goldendoodles, see how the industry is at the instant ? You thought of breeding Siberian Malamutes are prepared, yet like i stated every physique could prefer ! :P That replace into something i did no longer be conscious of. |: Siberian Malamutes around for hundreds of years ? particularly ? O_O i did no longer be conscious of that, thank you! :)
2008-08-17 5:17 am
As most non-junk DNA alleles code for different versions of a protein or enzyme, having two different versions of this allele amounts to having two different versions of the enzyme. This will increase the likelihood of having an optimal version of the enzyme present and reduce the likelihood of a genetic defect. This effect is referred to in genetics as the genetic hysteresis effect
Heterosis is a term used in genetics and selective breeding. The term heterosis, also known as hybrid vigor or out-breeding enhancement, describes the increased strength of different characteristics in hybrids; the possibility to obtain a "better" individual by combining the virtues of its parents.
Heterosis is the opposite of inbreeding depression, which occurs with increasing homozygosity. The term often causes controversy, particularly in terms of the selective breeding of domestic animals, because it is sometimes believed that all crossbred animals are better than their parents; this is not necessarily true. Rather, when a hybrid is seen to be superior to its parents, this is known as hybrid vigor.

Some people seem to forget that there are many breeds that wouldn't be here if nobody ever cross breed. Selective out crossing has helped save some breeds from extinction. The Irish Wolfhound is a good example of this.

This is a really good article to read about breeding and the need for genetic diversity.

2008-08-17 11:25 am
It is perfectly fine. I have two little mongrels, and they are lovely.
2008-08-17 10:38 am
go for it if u want
2008-08-17 12:36 am
My uncle has Rottwieler (dnt quite no how 2 spell it ) cross jackrussles the father was the jackrussle haha

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