請幫忙翻譯以下字句 中->英(20分)

2008-08-17 4:36 am
我想用英文電郵補發功課給老師, 大概意思是: 很抱歉, 由於我近日較忙的緣故上一堂沒有返到學, 未能趕得及交功課, 現補上我的功課, 很希望你能接納. 謝謝!

回答 (5)

2008-08-17 10:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Miss XXX,
I would like to say sorry to you for my absence in last class due to the heavy work load. Since I was not able to hand in my assignment in time, I am attaching it for your revision.
Please accept my most sincere apology !
Best Regards
參考: Myself
2008-08-17 5:46 am
I am sorry, last one did not return to to studying because I am busier recently, fail to be able to the homework of handing in in time, fill my homework now, hope very much you can admit.Thanks!
參考: 我
2008-08-17 5:16 am
Dear Mr./Ms.________,

Attached is my assignment. I do apologise for the late submission as I was rather busy of late and did not make it to the class last week to hand in the assignment in time.

Warmest regards,
2008-08-17 4:54 am
I am sorry, last one was not returned to to and studied because I am recently busier, fail to be able to the homework of handing in in time, fill my homework now, hope very much you can admit. Thanks!
參考: 我的英文老師
2008-08-17 4:43 am
I am sorry.Owing to I am busy I miss the last lesson.So I can't finish the
homework yesterday.But I finish the homework now.I wish you can pardon
me.Thank you .
參考: me

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