飛滋 in english....??

2008-08-17 4:36 am
飛滋 in english係咩???

回答 (4)

2008-08-17 8:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
飛滋 is not ulcer for sure, it's called Canker sores

Canker sores have been a painful puzzle for a long time. And without a reliable form of treatment and prevention, people have had to put up with the pain. Part of this problem is due to a lack of understanding of what canker sores actually are. Some believe that stress, nutritional or immune deficiencies, or certain foods play an important role.

Canker sores can affect anyone; in fact, they affect 50% of people at least once in their life. They're not contagious, but the small sore inside your mouth can make chewing, talking and drinking an uncomfortable experience.

Canker sores usually go away in one to two weeks, but with Anbesol? you don't have to put up with the pain for even a day.

2008-08-25 22:40:20 補充:
Cold sores occur on the outside of the mouth around the lips. and canker sore is inside your mouth.

飛滋 is inside your mouth.
2008-08-17 5:46 am
飛滋 in english係eason
2008-08-17 5:45 am
Mouth Ulcer
2008-08-17 5:43 am
飛滋 = ulcer (you can say "I have ulcer in my mouth")

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