
2008-08-17 3:50 am
1. Hundreds of watsons water transports workers will strike again today for a pay rise as the city faces an un-certain supply of distilled water.

2. The strike comes on the heels of industdail action by 200 vitasoy transport workers 10 days age.

3. Local media reported that taxis in kunming were immediately filled after the blasts.

4. In march , a man armed with explosives took 10 australians and a transport hostage on a coach in Xian before being shot dead.

回答 (2)

2008-08-17 10:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 數百名屈臣氏水公司的送貨員將於明天再次發動罷工,抗議工資過低,屆時全港蒸餾水供應將受到影響。

2. 該罷工接著維他荳奶送貨員十天前的罷工而來。

3. 本地傳媒消息指,昆明計程車於巴士爆炸發生後出現滿載情況。

4. 三月,西安一名藏有炸藥的男子脅持十名澳洲藉人士到旅遊巴上,後來被射殺。
參考: me
2008-08-17 5:55 am
4.三月時,一個帶著爆炸品的男子,在西安挾持十名澳洲人和一名翻譯員(and a translator?我用 google search,搵到你o既原句應為 and a translator。google 好o野!

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