ASUS P320 美國一問

2008-08-17 12:24 am
ASUS P320 美國一問

小弟買左asus p320去左美國,


回答 (4)

2008-08-17 5:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Asus P320 係四頻.係美國可以用 T-Mobile 或者 AT & T. 如果你入咗係呢兩間公司嘅咭. 試吓係 setting度用 seach network.
2008-08-19 8:36 am
The problem is, your phone is being locked by those who sold you the phone , I have gone throught the same problem before, I had to send my phone back to Hong Kong and asked those stupid people to unlock it for me because noone was able to unlock it for me in New York.What a shame!
Why don't you bring your phone to Chinatown and try to get someone to help you, I know such a guy owns a cell phone company in Chinatown, if you need the address,I'll be more than happy to give you his number, maybe he can help you.
2008-08-18 7:23 pm
hi... ur P320 is bought from HK, there is no problem to work in USA. However, there are only 2 communication companies can be used as GSM, they are T-mobile and AT&T. another companies SIM cards are CDMA or other format, u cannot use.
my nokia 8800 can automatically search the network from T-mobile after putting the SIM card, it works. so I think the problem is u are using the wrong SIM card. hope it can help.
參考: Living in USA
2008-08-17 7:40 am

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