我前老闆唔出糧比我, 我要點先可以追討欠薪

2008-08-17 12:14 am
我己離職了六十日, 但我前老闆到而家都仲唔出糧比我,點算好?我己去了勞工署登記, 當日佢竟然夠膽唔出現, 所以我要去小額錢債落案....想問下除咗呢個辦法之外, 我仲有咩方法可以攞番我份糧呢?

回答 (2)

2008-08-17 1:55 am
參考: 經驗!
2008-08-17 12:21 am
As you had reported this to Labour Department and had lodged a claim in the Small Claim Tribunal, measures will be taken. This is a legal procedure already. However, you could contact or urge Labour Department for the progress and also traced for the time of the hearing in the Tribunal.

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