End justifies the means中文即係咩? 20點!!

2008-08-16 11:29 pm
End justifies the means中文即係咩?

回答 (3)

2008-08-17 12:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
"The end justifies the means."
means 在此解作 "方法"
The end 在此解作 "結果" / "結局" / "成績"
justifies 在此解作 "証明…是正當 / 對的"
"The end justifies the means." 廣東話即係
出嚟嘅結果, 証明當中使用嘅方法 / 手法是對的.
eg. He was very brutal to the terriorist. But the end justified the means.
他很殘酷對待該名恐怖分子. 個其結果証明他使用的方法是對的.

2008-08-16 16:08:36 補充:
bbyyee1234567: 唔好用網上翻譯軟件啦. 譯到9唔搭8.
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2008-08-17 1:22 am

2008-08-16 17:31:57 補充:
參考: guess, this is not copy upside
2008-08-16 11:31 pm
End justifies the means中文即係末端辯解手段

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