flame test(F.6)

2008-08-16 9:07 pm
如果我俾energy佢…咁佢既outermost shell e-收左energy就應該會由ground state去excited state喇
當e-由excited state跌返落ground state…佢吸左既energy就會以光既形式放出黎
咁當e-係excited state既時候…佢同Mg proton既attractive force應該係最細喇(自己作出黎)
如果佢粒electron係excited state俾人吸左(e.g. group7 atoms)…咁粒electron返唔到落ground state…咁咪放唔到energy出黎!?
(如果上述講既野concept有錯…唔該點點我- -!)

回答 (1)

2008-08-16 10:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你的問題很好,帶出 flame test 發光,是不同於化學反應(reaction) 時的發光。

化學反應(reaction) 時的發光現象,是 specific observation...每個反應有不一樣的 observation。有的反應發熱,有的發光.

Flame test 發光,正如你理解,是 electron 在不同 quantized level of orbital 停留時,把energy 以 photon 方式發射出。(Eject uncharged photon from electronic fields made of molecular orbital and electron) 當中 electron spin 帶出 fine structure, 如 soudium D line etc. (reference 2)

發光的化學反應,不是一個 Mg atom 帶出的。所以,白光是 continuous spectrum,不象 emission spectrum 有 specific wavelength。
也因 Mg + oxygen --> MgO 的化學反應是 continuous spectrum,白光可以用於 photography (giving most reliable colour temperature in flash photography)

Dr Lam

reference 1) difference between flame test and oxidation of Mg by burning


reference 2) emission spectrum of Mg by gas discharge


2008-08-17 14:58:57 補充:
2Mg + O2 --> 2MgO (give out 白光) Electron DO NOT jump back to Mg orbital! It is a oxidation reaction!!! Electron goes from Mg to O! Mg become Mg2+ (no s electrons anymore); O become O2-

2008-08-17 14:59:07 補充:
Mg/Mg2+ burn in flame --> give out emission spectrum, just like reference 2. No 白光 give out. Flame test, electron is from the flame! Electron sits and jump between different quantized orbital of Mg, and the energy difference is emitted as photon. There is no redox in flame test.

2008-08-17 14:59:11 補充:
White light is continuous spectrum.... atomic emission have quantized levels, ie just give out line spectrum.

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