關於空氣污 染..

2008-08-16 8:55 pm

1.)What does the roadside API measure..??

2.)Which API, the general API or roadside API,usually would have a highter reading ? Why?

3.)There are three urban roadside air quality monitoring stations.
Do you know where they are?


回答 (1)

2008-08-17 12:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. it measures Nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, carbon monoxide. and Respirable Suspendd Particulates (RSP)

2.Roadside API's reading is usually higher because it is affected by the exhaust from cars which the general API is not.

There are eleven general API and three roadside API in HK. They provide Air Pollution Index Forecast at four o'clock everyday.

3.The three roadside API are located at
Central(Chater Road and Des Voeux Road Central)
Causeway Bay(Yee Wo Street)
Mong Kok(Nathan Road and Lai Chi Kok Road).

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