可以幫我作封信媽?(英文)D字唔洗多 thx

2008-08-16 8:45 pm
可以幫我作封信媽?(英文)D字唔洗多 thx

回答 (4)

2008-08-16 8:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear May,

How are you?It is sunny at Hong Kong.

Yesterday,I went Ocean Park with my friends,Tom and Tim.We played marry-go round and many games!We saw the jelly fish too!They were very beautiful,I love them!At 6:00p.m.,we went home.We felt very tired and happy!


2008-08-22 8:55 pm
Dear May,

How are you?It is sunny (IN) Hong Kong (TODAY).I went (TO) Ocean Park with my friends Tom and Tim (YESTERDAY).We played marry-go-round and many (OTHER)games,AND WE saw the jelly fish too,they were very beautiful,I love them!We went home (AT SIX O'CLOCK).We (WERE HAPPY AND TIRED)!


2008-08-17 1:38 am
Please let us know what you would like to tell your mother before we can help.

or at least why you have to write to your mother.
2008-08-17 12:40 am
Don't know what kind of letter you want, but I am going to correct Annchan's letter in case you want to use it.

Dear May,

How are you?It is sunny (IN) Hong Kong (TODAY).I went (TO) Ocean Park with my friends Tom and Tim (YESTERDAY).We played marry-go-round and many (OTHER)games,AND WE saw the jelly fish too,they were very beautiful,I love them!We went home (AT SIX O'CLOCK).We (WERE HAPPY AND TIRED)!



2008-08-16 18:50:44 補充:
lingthk, I think he meant 嗎 , not 媽, you are so 幽默.

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