
2008-08-16 4:53 pm
會去六日吉隆坡, 因一至五得自己一個唔會去得遠, 只係去附近雙子塔,電訊塔, 星光大道, 時代廣場, 阿羅街等...

而星期六仲諗緊檳城定雲頂? (因呢兩個地方都要用成日時間)


回答 (2)

2008-08-20 6:44 pm
參考: 剛剛由馬來西亞旅行回來
2008-08-17 12:20 am

Welcome to Malaysia.

well, both place also same.

from Kuala Lumpur to Mallaca will take 2 hours bus ride and you will visit all the heritage building and historical place(if you love history). for an example, like red house, church n so on.

From kuala Lumpur to Genting will take around 1 hours to 1 hours 30mins depend the season. Genting is the only 1 license casino in Malaysia and also a theme park over there. genting highland is located at highland and the weather there is quite comform(for me, around 16-20'C)

Alor is a food paradise and is near to Golden Triangle, so you can shopn shop there.

Cheras is far away, in general cheras hv alot food to taste but not that famous(from my opinion)

no harm to visit Malaysia and make sure you bring more water cause u might not use to malaysia weather. hot hot

if you hv any question ,no harm to drop me a mail
[email protected]

Amos Knowledge
參考: I'm Malaysian.

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