About Grammar

2008-08-16 3:24 pm
A. Answer then with correct tenses.

1. They ____(come) here an hour ago.
2. The teacher ____ (not call) my name yet.
5. She said she ____ (be) there already.
7. Mary always ____ (come) early.
8. She ____ (not see) me for two months.
9. Last year, he ____ (begin) to learn driving.
10. The film ____ (show) since last week.
11. My friend Molly ____ (love) honey very much.
12. It was late and John ____ (get) tired.
15. What ____ (make) a watch work?
16. Nancy ____ (go) to the Space Museum on Sundays.
20. The dentist ____ (pull) his tooth out while he was yelling.
23. This road ____ (lead) to the railway station.
24. When the lights are green, the cars ____ (move) on.
25. The boys ____ (fight) when thier mother came back.
26. We ____ (see) a snake when we were in Shatin.
27. If she invites Mary, I ____ (invite) Jane.
29. He always ____ (be) a good brother to me.
30. Mother ____ (go) to market everyday last summer.

B. Write a composition about your pen-friend will visit you in HK, where will you bring him to. (210 words)

回答 (5)

2008-08-17 10:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. They (came) here an hour ago.
2. The teacher (have not called) my name yet.
5. She said she (have been) there already.
7. Mary always (comes) early.
8. She (have not seen) me for two months.
9. Last year, he (began) to learn driving.
10. The film (have shown) since last week.
11. My friend Molly (loves) honey very much.
12. It was late and John (got) tired.
15. What (makes) a watch work?
16. Nancy (goes) to the Space Museum on Sundays.
20. The dentist (was pulling) his tooth out while he was yelling.
23. This road (leads) to the railway station.
24. When the lights are green, the cars (move) on.
25. The boys (were fighting) when thier mother came back.
26. We (saw) a snake when we were in Shatin.
27. If she invites Mary, I (will invite) Jane.
29. He always (is) a good brother to me.
30. Mother (went) to market everyday last summer.

I will take my pen-friend, Kevin, to our theme park, Disneyland to play. I know that he like exciting very much. So, I think 'Space Mountain' will suitable for him. Also, we can play on the roller coaster too. He can buy some souvenirs to his parents too.
Then, I will take him to the Big Buddha. It is the beggest bronze buddha in Asia. It is our proud too. So, I think I should bring Kevin there and let him to see our big proud.
Last, I will bring Kevin to the Peak. We can see the Victoria view there. Kevin likes taking photos. He can take photos with the Victoria sea view. We can also enjoy the fireworks there too.
參考: me(絕不能抄襲)
2008-08-18 8:06 am

I will(WOULD) take my pen-friend, Kevin to Disneyland(our theme park). I know that he like(LIKES) exciting(EXCITEMENT) very much. So, I think 'Space Mountain' will(IS OR WILL BE) suitable for him. Also(AND), we can play on the roller coasterS too. He can buy some souvenirs to(FOR) his parents too.

Then, I will take him to the Big Buddha. It is the beggest(BIGGEST) bronze buddha in Asia. It is our proud(PRIDE)自豪 . So, I think I should bring Kevin there and let him to(NO TO) see (IT).-------THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS 'OUR PROUD'---IT'S HONG KONG ENGLISH

(AT)Last, I will bring Kevin to the Peak. We can see the( Victoria view there)>>>(VIEW OF VICTORIA HARBOUR). Kevin likes taking photos. He can take photos with(OF) the Victoria sea view. We can also enjoy the fireworks there.
2008-08-17 3:33 am
1. They came here an hour ago.
2. The teacher have not called my name yet.
5. She said she has been there already.
7. Mary always comes early.
8. She has not seen me for two months.
9. Last year, he began to learn driving.
10. The film has nbeen showing since last week.
11. My friend Molly loves honey very much.
12. It was late and John got tired.
15. What make a watch work?
16. Nancy goes to the Space Museum on Sundays.
20. The dentist pulled his tooth out while he was yelling.
23. This road leads to the railway station.
24. When the lights are green, the cars move on.
25. The boys was fighting when thier mother came back.
26. We saw a snake when we were in Shatin.
27. If she invites Mary, I will invite Jane.
29. He always be a good brother to me.
30. Mother went to market everyday last summer.

My pen-friend will visit me in HK.Being a friend , I should bring him to
visit this shopping paradise.In Hong Kong,there are some shopping centres,
my pen-friend can buy things in there.If he wants to view scenery , the Peak and Victoria Harbour are good choices for him.If he is interested in the history of Hong Kong, he can go Hong Kong Museum of History.There are some
exhibitions shown to the public.
2008-08-16 8:58 pm
1. came
2. has not called

- (already 需要 perfect tense)

7. comes
8. has not seen
9. began

- (last week 用 past tense 但前面有since 所以用 perfect tense)
- (死物 - 被動語態)

11. loves

12. GOT
- (and 前面was 係 past tense, 所以後面都用番past tense)

15. makes

16. GOES
- (Sundays 解 每星期日, 習慣用 present tense)

20. pulled
23. leads





29. is

30. went
2008-08-16 5:44 pm
1. came
2.has not called
7. comes
8.has not seen
12.was getting
16. went
20. pulled
23. leads
25. move
26. saw
27. invites
29, is

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