I caught a bat inside my bedroom last night. What should I do now?

2008-08-15 3:56 pm
I became aware of the bat in my bedroom last night after I came home from work. I still haven't figured out how it got there. It wasn't there the night before. I don't believe I was bitten. But I could smell the bat as it was flying inside my bedroom. Where can I take it to have it tested for rabies or West Nile virus? Do I still need a rabies shot? I understand people can catch rabies by breathing in bat saliva sprays that contain the virus.

回答 (7)

2008-08-15 4:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Have animal control come pick it up!! Do not handle it anymore so you wont take a chance on being bitten or scratched. Animal control or Pasky critters will know exactly how to handle the bat and can test him or her, Bats sometimes do strange things, we had on in our workplace and there are no bats for hundreds of miles from here. Also let your doctor check you because bats carry lice and a few other diseases. Why not be safe? Where ever the bat goes, your Dr will want to follow up on the test results.
參考: Bat exposere
2008-08-15 4:00 pm
Take the bat to the vet if you care about it. If you don't, let it loose. Take yourself to a doctor.
2008-08-15 4:00 pm
Animal control. Then go see a doctor.
2008-08-15 4:02 pm
call a vet.
2008-08-15 4:05 pm
let it loose, a vet probably can not do anything for it. go to a doctor and get checked out to make sure you did not catch anything from the bat.
2008-08-15 4:03 pm
GO to the doctor / vet person...
2008-08-15 4:00 pm

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