
2008-08-16 5:44 am

Complete these sentences using suitable prepositions. The first one has been done for you.

例:1. There's somebody __at__ the door. Do you know who it is?

2. 'Write your name ________ the top of the paper,' the teacher said.

3. There is a farm _________ the foot of the mountain. There are animals
________ the farm. You see some horses _________ the field. but you can't
see the other animals.

4. He spent hours ___________ his dest writing a letter to her.

回答 (2)

2008-08-16 6:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
2. 'Write your name ___on_____ the top of the paper,' the teacher said.

3. There is a farm _____in____ the foot of the mountain. There are animals
___in_____ the farm. You see some horses ____on_____ the field. but you can't
see the other animals.

4. He spent hours _____on______ his dest writing a letter to her.
參考: myself
2008-08-16 5:49 am
2) 'Write your name __at______ the top of the paper,' the teacher said.

3) There is a farm ____on_____ the foot of the mountain. There are animals

___on_____ the farm. You see some horses _____in____ the field. but you

can't see the other animals.

4)He spent hours ___in________ his dest writing a letter to her.

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