simple past tense problem ....plx help help me

2008-08-16 4:40 am
Dad gets a thrill from taking his family in his four-wheel drive to explore new places. My brothers and I (share) his spirit of adventure but Mum (finds)
difficult to have the same enthusiasm.
Last week, Dad suddenly thought of visiting an elderly aunt and uncle he had not seen for five years. They live in a sleepy little village on the east coast. So off we went to look them up.

why first paragraph the solution of (share) and (finds)......why use simple present tense??????????why do not use simple past tense?????????

回答 (1)

2008-08-16 8:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is because the first paragraph, it is describing the normal situation of 'Dad's actions', therefore "simple present tense" is appropriate.
If you use simple past tense, it would not make sense grammatically,
but it also implies that "my brothers and I shared his spirit" ~ but not now
and "Mum found it difficult" ~ meaning she does not find it difficult to have the same enthusiasm now.

But the second paragraph is describing an actual one off event, which happened, and will not happen over and over again, at least not often, therefore simple past is used there.

2008-08-16 23:41:30 補充:
Normal situation 是指 "日常" 或 "常常" 或 "平常" 的態道 及 情況。

當你用"Simple Past Tense"時, 以下的句子會有不同的意思。

"my brothers and I shareD his spirit" 它意味著“我的兄弟和我已分享他的(駕駛)精神”~
那是以前, 但現在已不再"分享他的(駕駛)精神"了。

"Mum found it difficult" 是指"母親(之前)發現很難去感受及分享父親的(駕駛)精神" ~
意義: 她現在已不覺得有難度去感受及分享父親的(駕駛)精神/熱情。

(Spirit = 精神 / 熱情)
參考: , Myself

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