Questions on structure

2008-08-16 2:52 am
1. When do we use impressive or impressively? Can we put impressive contemporary buildings put together?
Consider two impressively/ impressive contemporary buildings which distinctly illustrate the magic sparking through apposite combination of conventional and modern ideas.

2.Does the first part of sentence correct?
The popularization of ball pen and computer writing and drawing we see; nevertheless Chinese calligraphy and monochromatic painting are widespread at society including poster and advertising media.

3. Which one is more appropriate to describe tradition and modernization?
a. Do tradition and modernization behave alike water and fire, as the author believes.
b. Do tradition and modernization behave alike water and grease, as the author believes.

回答 (1)

2008-08-16 7:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes , you can put them together.

Impressive--adjective, describing a noun
Impressively--adverb, bescribing a verb
1. use impresssive, because you are describing a noun, not a verb.

2.IS the first part of THE sentence correct?
The POPULARITY of ball penS, computer writing, and drawing we see; nevertheless Chinese calligraphy and monochromatic painting are widespreadING IN THE society including poster and advertising media

3. If I have to choose, I'll choose the second one, although both don't make perfect sense to me, I think tradition and modernization can be fused tofether.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 21:56:57
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