
2008-08-16 2:20 am
1.you will need to eat some of these to give you energy.
2.This will help you to see at night or in dark places.
3.You should take one of these to carry your water.
4.You should take one of these in case it rains.

回答 (2)

2008-08-16 2:46 am
1. You will need toeat some of these to give you energy .
Ans : Snacks ( 小食 )
2. This will help you to see at night or in dark places .
Ans : Torch ( 電筒 )
3. You should take one of these to carry your water .
Ans : (呢題仲有冇多 D 提示 ?唔係好知個答案 ... Sor
4. Youshould take one of these in case it rains
Ans : Raincoat ( 雨衣 )

希望可以幫到你啦 ~
2008-08-16 2:39 am
1. ?
2. light
3. water bucket
4. umbrella

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