
2008-08-16 2:16 am


旺角 嘉禾大廈五級大火現場,今早續有消防員及市民,到場向兩名殉職消防員致祭。



回答 (3)

2008-08-16 7:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
More firemen and citizens went to Cornwall Court, Mong Kok, to pay tribute to the two firefighters who died in the alarm No 5 five fire there.
Twenty firemen from different fire stations brought offerings this morning to the scene of the Cornwall Court fire to pay their tribute to the deceased pair.
Many citizens offered incense and flowers outside the building. Among those who paid tribute were the schoolmates and secondary teachers of Siu Wing-fong, the senior fireman who was killed. They praised Siu for his responsibility as a student.

2008-08-15 23:20:33 補充:

About twenty firemen...
2008-08-16 2:23 am
The Kuangjiao Jiahe building five levels of fire scenes, this morning
continue have the fire fighter and the resident, arrives dies in the
line of duty the fire fighter to two to send offers a sacrifice to.

Approximately 20 come from the different fire department's fire
fighters, this morning accompanies the sacrificial offering, to the
Jiahe building fire scene, dies in the line of duty the fire fighter
to two to send offers a sacrifice to.

Many residents continue outside the building to burn incense and to
deliver the fresh flower, but will die in the line of duty the fire
brigade item Xiao Yongfang schoolmate and middle school teachers, will
arrive sends offers a sacrifice to, and commended Xiao Yongfang will
study when the manner will fulfill responsibility.
Because I want some English practices
So want some news as references to be like

Prosperous corn Jia grain mansion five class wildfires continuously have fire fight member and citizen this morning on the scene and be present to die for job a fire fight member toward 2 with the result that fiesta.

About 20 fire fight members that come from a different fire fight bureau, this morning bring sacrificial offering together, go to the scene of the Jia grain mansion fire, die for job a fire fight member toward 2 with the result that fiesta.

A few citizen continue outside the mansion up the joss-stick and send fresh flowers, and die for job the fire brigade eyes Xiao always square classmate and high school teacher and is present with the result that fiesta, and praise Xiao always square study is responsible.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 16:59:19
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