
2008-08-16 1:54 am
唔該大家幫幫忙 要100字以上.. .
程度要小6~中2 d字唔好咁深就ok=]
1. 今朝同左個小學同學去左書展.. 果度好多人..幾經辛苦先去到一個既一個既場館.. 買左一本書 都幾funny 之後我地就去左食甜品..又行街...買左好多野返黎... 之後就各自走lu and than就去左cousin屋企食飯...- -"
2.今日係呀哥生日 成家10幾個去左東涌度食自助餐... 果度都幾多野食既 d甜品都唔錯. 食左好多.. 不過食完要減肥 之後我地幾個cousin就去左玩 都幾無聊 玩到差唔多就走lu 喺車度見到d風景都唔錯 不過落雨 有d美中不足...

我係要翻譯唔係要diet呀 你地班膠登仔咪搞事啦! -_____________-||||||||

回答 (1)

2008-08-16 2:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
This mornong,I,together with my primary schoolmate,went to the book fair.
When we arrived,it was already very crowded.
We had to enter each hall with great difficulties.
I bought a book which its content seemed to be quite funny.
Then we had a dessert and continued our visit.
We bought a lot of items on the way.
After that,we went back home seperately.
But I went to my cousin's home to have dinner...

Today was my brother's birthday.
My family members including a few relatives(which was a total of 15)
went to Tung Chung to have a buffet dinner.
There was a wide variety of food
The desserts were excellent.
We had eaten a lot.
(But we needed to go on diet after eating so much food)
After that,we together with our cousins went outside to play,
though it was a bit boring.
When it was time to leave,we decided to return home by bus.
Through the window,we admired the magnificent scenery.
Pity was that it was raining...

Hi there,my answer is not so satisfactory.
I believe there should be better choices if the others choose
not to remain silent.
Anyway,good luck!
參考: myself

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