
2008-08-16 1:10 am
永義實業(0616.HK)(0616.HK - 新聞 - 公司資料)宣布股本重組,9月23日生效。將每股面值由0.01元削減至0.0001元,完成後100合1,然後再將法定股本由200萬元(分為2億股合併股份)增至2億元(分為200億股合併股份)。


若果當9月22日收市係0.011, 9月23日會股價變成幾多?

回答 (2)

2008-08-17 9:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
this is the best time to buy at the moment, at least get 1-2 million shares before consolidation, as you could see other lenders of 616 WILL also be consolidation of their respective shares, so need to see how many "tickets" 616 can collect before the 23 Sep.2008, the consolidation may not be happened, it is just a proposal. don;t worry, if you lost, the lender will also lose too!!!!!
2008-08-16 6:25 pm
在9月23日,你的永義股票數目除以100倍, 即變成1000股 ( 唔夠一手, 變左碎股,好難賣出,就算有人要,都要賣平幾個價位 ) ,而股價升100倍,變成0.011X 100 = $1.1
如果我係你, 我就早賣晒佢, 冇眼屎乾淨盲 !

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