(超簡單) 英文 批改

2008-08-15 11:46 pm
Hello, Tom, have you waited for a long time? Shall we go to this way? I have ever spoken English with my bf in this street. He wasn’t shy, so I wasn’t shy, too. But when a sales looks at us and smile, I haven’t wanted to try again. Sometimes, my bf’s English is worse than me, but he is never shy to speak it. I think bravery is the most important thing, without it, you can lose any opportunity of practice, it means you can lose any opportunity of success.

Last time, you asked me about Taiwan. And I’d like to tell you, Taiwan is really great. But of course, I love Australia more. Anyway, Taiwan environment is marvelous, you con see blue sky, many kinds of insect. Some spider in Taiwan is as big as a hand. A kind of insect which like mosquito is as big as a baby hand. But these are just normal thing. My boy friend told me that he had seen a butterfly was as big as two human head. actually, it is not a butterfly, i know it is a moth. And about Taiwan air, even if i went out to the street, i can see some cars, I haven’t smelt too much waste gas. And since Taiwan is at the seismic belt, most of there building complexes are short. Because of that, I can see a big beautiful sky over the building. But the defect is that the sunlight can contact you strongly without the high buildings.

And the other hand, Taiwan’s weather like Macao’s. but the temperature difference is a little bit big. In summer, you should wear the short clothes in the morning, but you should take a jacket at night. Although the temperature difference is big on every day, but not every year. Because I don’t feel too hot in summer or too cold in winner in Taiwan.

So, I think you can travel Taiwan whenever. If you are afraid that you will lose the road, just go to Taipei, because there are a rapid transit system.


Whatever, if you want to travel Taiwan, you should make a plan quite carefully. For some example, it takes four hours to go to Taipei from Tai 中 . going to green Ireland from Tai中it takes nine hours.


If you didn’t have any relative in Taiwan and you didn’t want to take part in any tourist agency, you have to pay about 2000 Taiwan dollars for a hotel room for two people each night.


Further more, you should notice the open time of some zoos or the fun fair. And you should also notice the open time of some restaurants, because Taiwanese have their dinner early.


I don’t know if you are interested in Taiwan’s food , but I am not interested in it. Most of their food is oily or non-health. And I don’t like the taste of them. They put a bowl of rice, the main course and 配菜 on a plate. It is different from us, you know.


Although I don’t like Taiwanese food, but I like Taiwanese. They are very kind and simple. Some of them wear just normal clothes, they even go out with slipper. But in hk , you almost never see that.


Another interesting thing I think you don’t know. That is I have never seen some rubbish on the street, but there also aren’t any rubbish can or any police who catch the people through rubbish. I am sure that you have never seen that in hk or Macao.


Well, would you please tell me about you aboard experience? The whole things? How have you studied English? Why did you want to go aboard?

回答 (1)

2008-08-16 12:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, Tom. It is so long since we have communicated. Shall we go to this way, I mean in English channel? I have spoken English with my boyfriend in this street. Feel strange for us, right? You are wrong! He (my boyfriend) doesn't care about that and so there is no point for me to do so! However, one day, a sales looked at us and perceived us as foreigner when we walked into a shop, I was a bit nervous to try again.

My boyfriend is less able when speaking English compared with me. Nonetheless, he doesn't mind to speak it wrongly. I think that courage is the most important, or else the times for practice would be more limited. Perhaps my boyfriend shares my view.

Last time, you asked me something about Taiwan. I am still proud to tell that Taiwan is really great place to visit. However, Australia is just a little bit better than Taiwan in this sense. Anyway, the nature side of Taiwan is superb: you can see blue sky upon us, many kinds of insects and animals are lovely. To tell you, some species of spider are as huge as a balm in size! A kind of insect like mosquito is as large as a baby hand. These are just common to be seen. Sometime before, My boyfriend told me that he have seen a butterfly as big as two human head! I acutally didn't believe in him as I know it was instead a moth. The air quality is good too as I rarely got choked by exhaust gas by cars. Another point worth mentioning is that the buildings there are short, do you know why? It is because tall buildings would be easily crumpled by frequent earthquakes in Taiwan. Undoubtedly, it is a good idea to save economic loss, but surely not for pretty women who do not get tanned by the excess sunlight!

2008-08-15 16:48:11 補充:
The weather is quite similar to that of Macau, but the temperature might be too extreme for day and night. In summer, you should wear the short and light clothes, but you should take a jacket at night.

2008-08-15 16:48:17 補充:
I think you would better travel Taiwan with a detailed and helpful map, since you may get lost. That case, just refer yourself to the developed transit system of Taipei as possible.

2008-08-15 16:48:26 補充:
The travel to different parts of Taiwan requires different time. So, planning before hand is important to arrange any spots as close as possible.

2008-08-15 16:48:29 補充:
Around 2000 Taiwanese dollars is needed to book a double room of any hotel for one night. Hence, hosting yourself with a relative or joining a travel agency are such cheaper.

2008-08-15 16:48:35 補充:
It is also important to note the opening hours of recreational facilities and restaurants as Taiwanese have their dinner early.

2008-08-15 16:48:41 補充:
I really hate Taiwanese food, especially they are either oily or unhealthy. The taste is rather poor too. You know, Taiwanese would just put a pile of rice, some main course and seasoning on a plate, which is different from Hongkongers.

2008-08-15 16:48:47 補充:
Even though I hate Taiwanese food, the people are kind and naive. They also wear casual clothes that they would go out with a pair of slippers! Do you see all of those in Hong Kong? No.

2008-08-15 16:48:54 補充:
Another interesting scene you might not know: I have never seen a piece of rubbish on the street in Taiwan, and there are no rubbish bins, no policemen catching people who litter. Can you guess where have the rubbish gone? They are all arrived at Hong Kong and Macau! Funny?

2008-08-15 16:49:07 補充:
That's all for my travel experience from Taiwan. How about yours? How is your study in English and other subjects? Why did you choose to study aboard? Please let me know the whole thing!

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