xanga? facebook?

2008-08-15 11:11 pm
can anyone list the major difference between xanga and facebook?
thank you =)

回答 (2)

2008-08-16 12:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
1). Xanga is kind of web blog for you to put your own things which happen in a day to share with others or not like a diary.
2). Facebook is a tool or system to help you to find more friends by the activities that you join in it.
-----------------------------Hope it can help you----------------------------

2008-08-15 16:24:44 補充:
Facebook also have another function, you can create a album and put the photos that you want to share with others in it.

2008-08-15 16:28:16 補充:
The activities in facebook include games, join the applications...
2008-08-15 11:16 pm
xanga is f0r y0u t0 type s0methings 0f life`
faceb00k is f0r y0u t0 find s0me friends t0 play
參考: me`

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