為何船會以”她” or ”she”來形容?

2008-08-15 5:11 pm
"she", "她"形容,請問係文法上需要,或是其他原因?

回答 (3)

2008-08-15 5:36 pm
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呢個係西方語言既習慣, 即係英文不嬲都用she. 除左船, 飛機, 國家, 海洋都會用she做pronoun. 詳細情況係維基百科有講: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender-specific_pronoun#Ships_and_countries
Ships and countries
Traditionally ships have been referred to using the feminine pronouns (even ships named after men, such as USS Barry), as well as countries and oceans. The origins of this practice are not certain, and it is currently in decline (though more common for ships, particularly in nautical usage, than for countries). In modern English, it can be said that the use of the pronoun "she" to refer to inanimate objects is an optional figure of speech.
In March 2002, the British newspaper Lloyds List announced that it would start referring to all naval vessels as 'it', but subsequently reversed its decision after receiving letters of protest.
係中國白話文運動時期, 就算咩都崇洋, 本來都沒有女性既[她], 係男女都用[他]. 個[她]字後來發明出來的. 由於好多翻譯作品, 都將she直譯作[她], 就將呢個習慣帶了過來中文.
維基上文提到某英文報紙決定用[it]來代形容船, 不過讀者大大反對, 結果都要用番[she], 證明呢個語法係英文係根深柢固. 但現代好多時都已經冇咁執著. 尤其是法律用語呢d場合, 講求絕對正確, 就要用[it].
反而係中文, 就冇咁硬性規定, 用左[它]來說船呀, 國家呀, 都唔會比人話你錯既.

Lloyd's List sinks 'she' for ships
The tug of tradition
參考: 本人不是翻譯專業, 麻煩各位批評指正啦.
2008-08-15 7:24 pm
2008-08-15 6:14 pm

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