”for 15 years” vs ”for over 15 years”

2008-08-15 12:49 pm
hi, any different between the follow 2 sentences?

The number of people unemployed increased at the highest monthly rate for over 15

The number of people unemployed increased at the highest monthly rate for 15 years

actually, I don't know the difference between "for 15 years" and "for over 15 years"

*** the first sentence was found in a newspaper

回答 (3)

2008-08-15 6:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
”for 15 years”= Exactly 15 years. 剛好 15 年, 整整 15 年.
”for over 15 years”= More than 15 years. 超過(多過) 15 年.
John & Mary married for 15 years.
John & Mary married for over 15 years.
參考: self
2008-08-24 7:43 am
已超過 15 年
The number of people unemployed increased at the highest monthly rate for over 15 years.

接近15 年或剛達 15年.
The number of people unemployed increased at the highest monthly rate for 15 years

For examples.

I have been in Hong Kong for 1 year. 即我已來到香港將近1年.
I have been in Hong Kong for over 1 year.即我已來到香港將超過1年.

2008-08-15 1:16 pm
"The number of people unemployed increased at the highest monthly rate for over 15 years" the point is " over 15years ",not exactly 15 years but more than 15 years


"The number of people unemployed increased at the highest monthly rate for 15 years" It means exactly 15 years, when they say it should be 15th years since the number of people unemployed started to increase.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:01:49
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