
2008-08-15 11:33 am
nurture warm ties with China 係唔係解 = 同培養中國友好關係 ?


Asked to comment on a domestic row in France, where critics accuse President Nicolas Sarkozy of caving into Chinese pressure by declining to meet him, the Dalai Lama said Western leaders were right to nurture warm ties with China.

9th paragraph in

回答 (3)

2008-08-24 6:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
我的意見係: 在interview對話時, 最好選用較簡單易明的英文, 此類的用法最好留待作文時先使用。
1) 無論係廣東話定係英文, 在對話時, 用詞都適宜「直接了當」, 不宜太花巧, 因為保持說話的流暢才是最重要 (因為回答要快), 注意力應該放在對話的內容或者邏輯思考方面。
2) 用詞除了要考慮場合之外, 我認為還要考慮到說話的對象。尤其當對方如果唔係英文為母話的人, 就不宜用詞太花巧, 溝通的基本目的只是清楚傳達意思。 而且, 在對話時, 用詞太formal (好似「拋書包」o禁), 我會覺得俾人有點「做作」的感覺。

3) 就連地道英語的說話者都提倡, 對話時應該用詞簡單。 對於英文並非母語的學習者來講, 太刻意將一種語譯成另一種語言會令對語欠缺流暢。跟小朋友般學習語言的方法才是最自然, 最有效改善Oral English的方法。


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Grammar is not the key to speaking English easily, and fast.
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When you use the Effortless Method, you learn excellent pronunciation. You learn vocabulary quickly and easily. You understand grammar automatically-- without memorizing it. You don't translate when you listen or speak. You speak English fast, and easily. You feel strong and relaxed when you speak English.

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2008-08-24 10:18:36 補充:
你好! neo7friend

唔好意思! 可能我求職時又遇到需要作文的次數不多, 所以我誤以為你係問: 對話時用這類的英文是否0K?

如果係用o黎寫, 我的想法都係一樣, 我們一定要考慮埋批改我地文章的人 (即是我們的對象)。 由於唔清楚他的水平, 我建議你, 即使你選擇去用, 最多用一至二個就己經足夠, 令你的文章特出一D。萬一對方未見過這類的用法, 而誤以為你的用法係錯就弄巧反拙! 唔知你會否同意? 我覺得這樣做比較保險!

2008-08-24 11:17:53 補充:
我意思係, 如果唔想太冒險的話, 用一D大家都熟識, 被公認為正確的表達方式就最好啦! 好似你另一條題目(on the market), 對住外國人用就應該無問題, 但係對住香港人或者英文並非母語的人來講 (你唔知佢英語水平去到邊), 就少用為妙!

2008-08-24 12:56:44 補充:
最主要係, 我地並非作家或者語言方面權威人仕, 所以係無「公信力」這回事o既, 當對方見你的用法不尋常, 未必會去主動查證, 就斷定係你錯。但係如果你讀到上大學, 要交assignment 就例外, 因為你能夠確定改你卷的人的英語水平有幾高。

用語言溝通係雙方面的。 情況就好似足球場上, 球員之間傳球的道理一樣。無論你的足球技術有幾高, 你都要考慮隊友是否有機會或者能力接到你的球。 否則, 只管將球送出去 (只管不在自己腳下), 但隊友根本就無辦法接到, 這樣做法亦無作用的!

2008-08-24 13:08:27 補充:
讓我引用另一條題目作為例子, 去解釋「如何說話要睇對手」

How are you doing?

正如education.163.com網址所講, How are you doing? 係流行用語 (最IN), 佢比起How are you?, 係較流行的用語, 但唔係所有外國人都興用佢o黎打招呼。

2008-08-24 13:08:34 補充:
forum.wordreference.com討論區有網友話, How are you doing? 在美國很流行, 但係在Australia, 佢地興用 How are you GOING? 可能受到電視劇(Australian soaps) 的影響, 正如我地香港人都一樣會, 而英國現時因為Australian soaps的原故, 都開始興用此打招呼的方式。

2008-08-24 13:11:45 補充:
所以, 如何用詞有機會要考慮埋對方的背境 (如果可以的話)。
2008-08-29 12:22 pm
There is essentially nothing wrong with the phrase "nurture warm ties with China". It also means 同培養中國友好關係 as you have correctly guessed.

The writing style is that of news reporting and loose articles. However, if you were going to insert, reiterate or reference this piece of information in a more literary or scholarly article/essay/thesis. This particular "style" of writing would not be traditional and less employed by veteran writers.

Does this answer your concerns?
參考: Myself
2008-08-24 12:11 pm
hi, hfchan32003

sorry, my question is not too clear

I am asking about the "writing" in an interview

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