(急) wanna & gotta分別

2008-08-15 10:05 am

thank you!

回答 (2)

2008-08-15 10:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
wanna 同 gotta 都係口語英文, 並非正式英文字 (你在Merriam-Webster Dictionary係查唔到呢2個字嘅), 作文時係絕對唔應使用!!
但你問到, 我照解釋啦.
1. wanna = want to 即係想去做某樣嘢.
eg. I wanna go swimming = I want to go swimming = 我想去游水
2. wanna = want a 即係想要某樣嘢.
eg. I wanna beer = I want a beer = 我想要支牌酒
1. gotta = got to即係必需要做某樣嘢.
eg. I gotta go to the market tomorrow = I got to go to the market tomorrow = 我明天必需要去市場
2. gotta = got a 即係有無
eg. You gotta beer? = You got a beer? = 你有無一支啤酒?
但重申一次, 呢兩個字係由懶音演變出嚟, 絕對唔應在寫佢時使用!

2008-08-15 02:30:40 補充:
sorry, 打錯字. 寫佢 = 寫作
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2008-08-15 10:22 am
Wanna & Gotta are both "slang" (口語), not proper English.
Wanna = Want to = 想
Gotta = Got to = (必)要
[Gotta = Got to = 很想 (口語化) ]

I want to have this book. = 我想要這本書
[I got to have this book. = 我很想要這本書 (口語) ]
I have got to go now. = 我現在一定要走了.
參考: Myself

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